Bold is a new, norwegian magazine about designprocess and strategy, that dares people to share their stories, success and defeat with others. At times, Bold will comment on themes that might be challenging and maybe provoking. We believe that debating leads to higher understanding. The content is characterized by in-depth articles whose purpose is to engage the reader, and at the same time, inspire and entertain. Through Bold we want to make the creative process accessible for those who take an interest in design. We do this by approaching the articles and content from a sociological point of view.

On the cover for Bold #1 we wanted a fully organic look. We display the main article in this issue – the story about how to brand a war, and showcase of the Nazi design manual. The drawing is created by artist, Liv Irene Almqvist Scherven in cooperation with Tomorrow Creatives.

Allkopi, our sponsor, did a fantastic job with the printing. Highly skilled and extremely focused work with the finishing. Thanks!